20 Years of Clamcakes!

     It’s hard to believe that’s it’s been 20 years since I came up with my comic strip, Clamcakes! This has not been my only strip (it’s been 45 years since my very first strip). But Clamcakes is the best fulfillment of my childhood desire to be a comic strip artist. The zany characters! The crazy scenarios!  They expose the foibles of society with humor – just what a comic strip should do – hold a mirror up to you so you can laugh at yourself (and others. Let’s be honest), and, maybe, examine the things you think and do.

  I believe comic strips are a unique artform in this, and so many other ways. Let’s keep them going!


Adventure, too!

So, I’ve been working on putting together my book, “Clamcakes: Funny.” A resource book, and comic strip highlighter. Of course, on the newspaper comics pages, there was also the adventure strip – so, of course, I had to include it!

And, your opinion is…?

So, what does it take to be ‘A people’? Is it a group of humans with something in common? Those of shared traits? Of like opinions? America is a land of ‘people’ that don’t always share those things. Can we be (and haven’t we been) a ‘People’?